There are many reasons why your sense of smell might not be as sharp as it used to be. It could be due to nasal congestion, sinus infection, allergies, or even just aging. Smell loss is also a common symptom of COVID-19, so if you experience a sudden loss of smell, it's important to get tested right away.

When the olfactory nerves, which are responsible for our sense of smell, are damaged, it can cause a condition called anosmia. Anosmia can make life difficult and even dangerous, as it can make it hard to detect things like smoke or gas leaks. It can also affect your ability to taste food properly.

Whether your sense of smell has diminished due to age or illness, there are a number of ways you can improve or relearn it. In this article, Prince Health and Wellness, the leading chiropractic practice in The Woodlands, TX is pleased to share the top five ways to improve your sense of smell.

Olfactory Training

Olfactory training, also known as smell training or smell retraining, is the process of helping your brain relearn how to identify smells. Due to age or illness like COVID-19, you may lose olfactory nerve fibers, which can reduce your ability to smell. The good news is that our olfactory neurons are capable of cell regeneration, so it is possible to improve your sense of smell with some training.

Olfactory training generally involves exposing yourself to different scents for a period of time each day, gradually increasing the duration and intensity of exposure until you can identify the scent.

For example, you can use four essential oils with different scents to start your training. Begin by smelling each oil for a few seconds, then take a break for a minute or two to let your nose recover. Repeat this process a few times a day, gradually increasing the exposure time to each of the four scents. After a few weeks, you should start to see a significant improvement in your sense of smell. If you don't have access to essential oils, you can also use different household items with distinct scents, such as coffee beans, citrus fruits, or herbs.

Quit Smoking

If you want to speed up your smell recovery process, one of the best things you can do is quit smoking. Smoking damages the olfactory nerves and the supporting cells in the nose, which leads to a decrease in the ability to smell. In fact, a recent study showed that anosmia is present in more than 68% of smokers.

Not only will quitting smoking help improve your sense of smell, but it will also have a positive impact on your overall health. If you're struggling to quit, there are many resources available to help, including counseling and medication. Nicotine replacement therapy can also be helpful in managing withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet is important for many reasons, and improving your sense of smell is one of them. Foods that are high in zinc and vitamin B12 like beans, tuna, seeds, dairy products, and red meat can help boost your sense of smell. Antioxidant-rich foods like dark leafy greens, berries, and nuts can also help protect your olfactory neurons from damage.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, it's also important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Dehydration can lead to a decrease in the production of mucus, which can dry out the nose and make it difficult to smell.

Incorporate Smell Exercises Into Your Daily Routine

There are several smell exercises you can do at home to help improve your sense of smell. One exercise is to close your eyes and identify as many different smells as you can in your environment. Another is to try to identify the specific ingredients in a dish you're cooking or to name the different scents you smell while walking outside.

It's important to avoid strong scents when you first start doing smell exercises. Start with weaker scents and gradually increase the intensity over time. This way, you won't overload your olfactory system and it will be easier for you to identify even the most subtle of smells.

Seek Medical Help

If the above methods don't seem to be improving your sense of smell, it's important to seek medical help. Anosmia can be caused by a number of different conditions, so it's important to rule out any underlying health problems.

Chiropractic care is also a great option for those struggling with anosmia after contracting COVID-19. It works by realigning the atlas, which is the top vertebrae in the spine. The atlas is responsible for protecting the brainstem, which controls many of the body's vital functions, including taste and smell.

If you are looking for a reputable loss of smell doctor in The Woodlands, TX and the surrounding areas, Prince Health and Wellness is here to help. Our in-house chiropractor has extensive experience treating patients with anosmia and can create a customized treatment plan to help you regain your sense of smell. Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation.