Loss of taste and smell can have a significant impact on quality of life. It can make food less enjoyable and make it difficult to identify danger signals in the environment, such as smoke or gas leaks. 

Loss of taste and smell causes vary and each of them requires different treatment. Hence, it’s crucial to know what’s causing your loss of taste and smell. Sometimes, a loss of taste and smell may be temporary and resolve on its own. However, in other cases, more aggressive treatment may be necessary. If you’re suffering from loss of taste and smell these might be the culprit.


Although rare, ageusia can lead to nutritional deficiencies and weight loss. It is caused by several factors, including damage to the taste buds or nerves that transmit taste signals to the brain. It may also be a side effect of certain medications.

Depending on the cause of ageusia, one of the things you can do to treat this is by using strong flavors and spices in food. You may also eat more acidic foods such as citrus fruits to help improve your sense of taste.

Another solution to this is taking zinc supplements. Zinc is essential for the proper functioning of the sense of taste, and a deficiency can lead to ageusia. In addition, zinc supplements can help improve the function of the immune system and help protect against infection.


Dysgeusia is a condition that causes a change in taste. It can make food taste different, usually more intense or strange. Dysgeusia can also cause certain tastes to last longer than they should. Some people with dysgeusia may have trouble tasting sweet, salty, or sour flavors. Others may only be able to taste one flavor or may not be able to taste any flavors at all.

The exact cause of dysgeusia is not known, but it is thought to be related to problems with the nervous system or the sense of smell. It can be due to certain medications, medical conditions, and exposure to certain chemicals. It can also be a side effect of radiation therapy for cancer treatment.

If dysgeusia is caused by a medication, changing to a different medication may help. For other causes of dysgeusia, treatment may include avoiding strong smells, eating small meals more often, and sucking on ice chips or hard candy. Some people find that certain home remedies, such as chewing gum or drinking citrus juice, help to improve their sense of taste.

Poor Oral Hygiene and Dental Problems

If you don't take care of your teeth and gums, it can lead to a loss of taste and smell. Poor oral hygiene allows bacteria to build up on your teeth and gums, which can cause an infection. This can lead to a loss of sensation in your mouth, making it difficult to taste food or enjoy its flavor. Additionally, the bacteria can travel to your nose and affect your sense of smell. To avoid this, brush and floss your teeth regularly, and see your dentist for regular cleanings.


Although surgeries on the mouth, throat, nose, or ear are common, they can cause loss of taste and smell. This is because these procedures can damage the nerves that control these senses. In some cases, the damage may be temporary and the senses will eventually return. However, in other cases, the damage may be permanent. If you are considering any of these types of surgeries, it is important to discuss with your doctor the potential risks and benefits so that you can make an informed decision.


Smoking not only harms your health but also your sense of taste and smell. Studies have shown that smokers are more likely to lose their sense of taste and smell than non-smokers. The chemicals in tobacco smoke damage the cells in your nose and mouth, which reduces your ability to taste and smell. If you're a smoker, quitting smoking is the best way to protect your sense of taste and smell.


As the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to spread throughout the world, more and more people are reporting symptoms beyond the usual fever, cough, and shortness of breath. One of these less common, but nonetheless troubling, symptoms are the sudden loss of taste and smell.

Although the exact mechanisms are not yet fully understood, it appears that COVID-19 may cause damage to the cells in the nose that are responsible for smell (olfactory neurons). This damage can result in a partial or complete loss of smell and taste abilities.

There are a number of different treatment options available for this, though. And the sooner you start treatment, the better your chances of recovering your sense of taste and smell.

One treatment option is steroids. Steroids can help to reduce inflammation and improve symptoms. Another option is an antiviral medication. Antiviral medication can help to reduce the amount of virus in your body and make it easier for your body to fight off the infection.

You may also consult a doctor about loss of taste and smell. There is currently no specific treatment for the loss of taste and smell caused by COVID-19. However, some people have found that chiropractic care can help to regain these senses.

Chiropractic care involves the manipulation of the spine and other joints. This can help to improve nerve function and increase blood flow to the area. This may help to improve the sense of taste and smell. This is where we, at Prince Health and Wellness can help you.

Prince Health And Wellness Can Help You Deal With Covid Loss Of Taste And Smell

At Prince Health and Wellness, we offer a variety of services that can help you cope with Covid loss of taste and smell. Our team of experts in The Woodlands, TX, will work with you to create a personalized treatment plan that fits your needs and goals.

We offer a variety of therapies that can help stimulate your senses and promote healing. Contact us today at 281-545-5067 to get started.